What is American Disability Act

What is american disability act

Today our researcher team is going to be talking to you about the What is American Disability Act. People with disabilities including older Americans who have a physical sensory cognitive or mental impairment are covered by the Americans with disabilities act. It is also known as the ADA. The main objective of ADA is to prohibits discrimination on the basis of physical or mental disability.

What is american disability act
What is American disability act

What are main section of ADA

ADA American Disability Act is divided up into five sections. You can say that these are five titles of the ADA act.

  1. Covers Employment
  2. Public Services
  3. Public Accommodations
  4. Telecommunications
  5. Miscellaneous Provisions

Who is covered under the Americans with disabilities Act

To be covered by the ADA, you must fit into one of the following three categories:

Read More:- American Disability Act

1. A person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. For example, a person who uses a wheelchair is substantially limited in the major life activity of walking. 

2. A person with a record of physical or mental impairment. For example, if a person had cancer in the past, but now, after treatment is cancer-free. If the employer refuses to hire the person because of the past impairment, the person is protected by the ADA based on the record of an impairment. This category also would cover people who have been misclassified as disabled, such as people who have been incorrectly categorized as having learning disabilities and are discriminated against based on that incorrect record.

3. A person who is regarded as having an impairment. There are three ways this category will come into play:

The worker’s impairment may not be substantially limiting, but it may be regarded as substantially limiting. For example, an employee with controlled high blood pressure who is inappropriately reassigned to less strenuous work because the employer feels that the employee will suffer a heart attack.

The person has an impairment that is substantially limiting only because other people regard it that way. For example, an employee has a condition that causes an occasional involuntary jerking of the head.  This condition is not necessarily substantially limiting, but an employer violates the ADA if it treats the person differently based on the fear that co-workers or members of the public will incorrectly perceive that it is substantially limiting.

The person has no impairment at all but is thought incorrectly by the employer to have one.  For example, an employee is fired because it is falsely rumored that he is HIV-positive.

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