Rationalization of pay structure

pay and pension commission Pakistan,

The government of Pakistan has constituted a Pay and Pension Commission committee for rationalization of pay structure. The main duties of the Pay and Pension Commission to review the present mechanism of pay and pension. Nargis Sethi is working as a head of Pay and Pension commission Pakistan. The recommendation will be the forward in the upcoming budget 2021-22. Miss Nargis Sethi, a retired federal Secretary who has been given this assignment. The main TORs of the Pay and Pension commission review the basic pay scale system and end discrimination in the salaries of different government employees.

The pension commission will study the salary structures of the existing pay scale throughout the federation. New salary structures for the employees will frame. Hopefully e it will bring uniformity in the pay structures of all departments. The finance division issued notification pay commission 2020. There are 25 members presided by Nargis Sethi retired secretary. This will also propose a new pension system in the country. The Commission will recommend the new pension rules in the country which will implement in the next financial year. It will also guide the government to overcome the pension budget bill.

Pay and Pension Committee Updates

The government of Punjab constituted a pay and Pension commission and its sub pay and pension committee vide order No. S.O(B&L) Misc/2020 by Chairmanship of Finance Secretary to end the discrimination of salaries in different departments. On the other hand, Departments like NAB, Police, Apex Courts, High Courts availing VIP perks. In Conclusion, the Government of Punjab constituted a committee on rationalization of pay and allowances of all employees working under administrative control. The government is collecting the working strength (actual numbers) of Civil Servants. Meanwhile, statistics of all allowances, special allowances, and other allowances awarded to employees are being collected.

Diparity Reduction Allowance

In this paragraph, we will discuss the disparity of pay in government departments. Firstly, the disparity of pay and allowances started in the year 2009. During Pakistan people’s party tenure many government departments increased 100% to 300%  percent increase in the salaries. The present government did not increase the pay of employees during the year 2021. This created restlessness in all the federal and potential employees. Hence, governance is badly affected due to this act. Furthermore, the salary structure of Federal government employees is different than that of provincial employees. In conclusion, The government of Pakistan decided to give immediate relief to those employees who have never granted any additional allowance. This relief is in the form of disparity relief allowance. It will give on running basic pay.

Disparity deduction allowance of 25% on running basic pay is allowed to civil employees working in BPS-01 to  BPS-21. This will be freeze after budget 2021. The federal government of Pakistan also directed the provincial government for adapting this disparity along for their employees.

pay and pension commission Pakistan,
pay and pension committee

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