Family Pension To Widow Daughter

Family Pension To Widow Daughter Rules Pakistan Widow and Divorced Daughter are Eligible for Pension

The government of the Punjab Finance Department issued an order regarding clarification of family pension to widow daughter. In this connection issued a notification vide order No. FD-SR-III-4-281/2014 dated 12th November 2014. This circular is the clarification about the payment of family pension to widow daughter. As Finance Department was receiving various queries from quarters for clarification about the payment of Family Pension to widowed daughter.

Widow Daughter Family Pension Rules

In pension rules word “Dependent” appears frequently. Firstly, this word should be explained. There are a few cases arrises in which widowed daughter gave an affidavit that she relies upon parents. However, there are her sons and daughters who are on reasonable jobs and well settled. It needs an explanation she is qualified for a family pension or not.

(b) Sometimes, the family pension on death of Government servants or his widow was halted on the grounds that no other part was entitled to benefits of a pension. Presently the inquiry emerges with regards to the qualification of a widowed daughter for the award of family benefits past 10 years. whether these cases are to be opened and family pension is to be allowed.

(c) There are a few cases that arise where at the death of a civil pensioner no individual was qualified for a family pension. But t after the pass of one or more years, the spouse of the daughter of the retired pensioner died. It might be explained whether in this case or such cases. Is widow daughter of a deceased servant will consider for a pension from the date of death of her spouse.

The above queries and issues analyzed in Finance Department and following ruling have been made about granting of family pension to widow daughter.

Grant of Family Pension to Widow Daughter

(i) If the sons/daughters of a widowed daughter do work. It is clear, by all means, to be no doubt of her reliance upon father. In such a circumstance, the widow’s daughter isn’t qualified for a family annuity.

(ii) If the daughter of a Government servant becomes a widow after the death of her father/mother, she is entitled to Family Pension.

(iii) In case that nobody was qualified for family annuity just before the death of the Government Servant yet after the pass of one year if the spouse or husband of the daughter of Government civil servants terminates, the widow girl will be entitled to the family benefit.


Family Pension To Widow Daughter Rules Pakistan Widow and Divorced Daughter are Eligible for Pension
Pension to widow Daughter
Pension rules to widow daughter in pakistan
Widow and Divorced daughter pension rules

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